• nancy motes picture    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 心靈SPA工作室


      電話:02-29047141    地址:新北市泰山區台麗街16巷
    2. 香草生活概念館

      本公司於新光三越百貨公司台中店與台南西門新天地設立專櫃多年近期欲增設遠東百貨高雄三多店及將於2010.02.01 新開幕的高雄左營店除基本薪水外 尚有業績抽成獎金

      電話:08-7384163    地址:屏東縣屏東市
    3. 巨擘科技股份有限公司

      頂尖管理大師畢德士(Tom Peters)繼名著追求卓越後,在和奧絲汀(Nancy Austin)合著的渴望卓越一書中指出,一個卓越的企業必須具備以下的特質:顧客至上,不斷創新,積極主動的員工和具備領導能力的主管,這正是巨擘追求的目標。 巨擘科...

      電話:03-5773177    地址:新竹市東區科學園區研新四路六號
    4. 樂都國際實業有限公司

      ...tFlash cards, SmartMedia cards, Multimedia cards, Secure Digital cards, DX picture Cards and comprehensive line of standard memory modules, and customized memory solutions for desktop and notebook computers, workstations, and servers.TEKQ International strives for Win-Win operations by forming strat...

      電話:02-82280006    地址:新北市中和區中正路738號5F-5
    5. 十月影視

      ...is the best storyteller in Taiwan. We are telling story through the image, picture and music.In 1989, October Films was established by who came from architecture, literature, arts and movies area with their enthusiasm for image production. Hold the various resources in different field, from the docu...

      電話:02-28337531    地址:台北市士林區至誠路1段96號1樓

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